THIRTY PARTY EXPORT DOCUMENTATION ( NO NEED TO HIRE EMPLOYEE OR RENT A PLACE - you can just send us packing details, rest everything we will handle).
New IEC application/Modification in Existing IEC (Online mandatory now).
MEIS Subsidy License Application & Service Export From India Scheme application .
BUY/SALE of MEIS license /Execution of LUT for Export Shipment.
Advance License for Duty Free Import of Raw Material of export product.
EPCG License for duty free import of Machinery (also Post Export Scrip Transferable).
Closure of Advance License or EPCG License i.e. EODC, Bond Waiver/redemption.
Norms Fixation.
GST Returns/GST Refunds.
RCMC,GSTN , FSSAI,GSP,CoO & Shop-Act & etc.
APEDA Export Subsidies i.e. Box subsidy 25% /Reefer van 40% on fruits & veg.
AVAIL OUR CONSULTANCY for Export documentation audit,records,advisory services .
Project management ODC Cargo/Import of machinery.
GST Refunds/Returns/LUT & Etc.